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Keeping in Touch

Dragonfest has multiple ways to keep you informed on what’s happening with the current year’s retreat and our organization. Here are all the ways you can keep in touch with us:

  • Email newsletter – if you’re reading this in your email inbox, congratulations! You are already subscribed to our newsletter. It’s delivered monthly, directly to you. If you know someone who would like to be added to the newsletter, have them send an email to

  • Website – each month after the newsletter is sent out in inboxes, we will also post it to the Dragonfest website, under the “News” tab.

  • Facebook – Dragonfest has a Facebook page and group FB Messenger chat. The group is a great place to find our announcements, ask questions and talk about Dragonfest!

  • Instagram – Dragonfest has an Instagram page. We mostly use this to advertise Dragonfest, but we do announce big news there as well, such as registration opening, important deadlines and showcasing our merchants.

  • Discord – our Discord channel is a great option if you like the group aspect of the Facebook group, but don’t have or don’t want to use Facebook. (Or maybe you just want both!) A variety of topics are announced and discussed there.

  • Is there a method of contact we aren’t using that you’d like to recommend? Great! Reach out to Communications with your recommendation.