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Dragonfest 2025

Wednesday, July 30 through Sunday, August 3, 2024

Our site is beautiful and majestic with big meadows, sweeping landscapes, a running creek, and a few ponds. It is located quite literally over the ridge from Castle Mountain. We have learned quite a lot from this landscape, so we’re able to provide a list of recommended preparations that might differ from what you are used to.

The site is in a more natural state than typical campgrounds. You will not find typical campground improvements so please be aware of the following when attending:

  • The site is at 7900ft which may be difficult for some individuals. Although we do have shuttles to help get people around, there are hills and rough terrain.

  • There are no established utilities, meaning no power or well water. Limited potable water will be provided, but we recommend you bring 1-1.5 gallons per person per day.

  • Cell reception can be difficult on the property. Although some have had luck getting reception in odd places, don’t count on it.


If you would like to design something for the retreat’s t-shirt, we want to hear from you! Read the official rules and submit your artwork by the deadline. Two winners will be selected for the retreat for the volunteer and staff t-shirts. They will receive free admittance to the Retreat and a free t-shirt.


Registration is done online. Go to the Registration page for rates and membership details. If gate memberships are available and you choose to purchase your membership at the gate, cash is required for the gate rate and no change will be provided. Waiting to register at the gate runs the risk of being turned away if we reach our cap before the retreat date.


Weekend-only memberships are available (we call them Associate or Supporting Associate Membership). A weekend membership will allow access from Friday through end of the Retreat. Go to the Registration page for rates and membership details. We will accept cash payment (no change) on site as long as we haven’t reach our cap before the retreat date.


Merchants register on the same form as all of our members. The online form has additional questions for you to answer. Additional booth spaces can be purchased online with your membership. See the Registration page or Merchant page. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the merchant coordinator at


Have you always wanted to do a workshop? Have a favorite topic you would like to share with others in our community? Found a new way to astrally project or create guardians? Enjoy working with the youth of our community and are interested in doing a workshop with them? Please fill out the Workshop Application Form. Space is limited so sign up today!


Do you have an idea for Women’s or Men’s Mysteries rituals under the stars at Dragonfest? Would you like to do a Sage Ritual or a Croning amidst the trees? How about a ritual to bless the babies? If you are interested in participating in or helping with any rituals at Dragonfest this year please fill out the Ritual Application Form.