This schedule and descriptions are up to date as of Friday, July 12 for the 2024 Retreat.

The Native Americans have been making many different kinds of Hoop Drums for many centuries. This workshop will focus on a particular design made popular with the availability of pre-made hoops and the availability of prepared hides. The techniques are taken from the traditional methods and updated to use more modern hoops, tools, and preparation methods. All materials – hides, hoops, frames, lacing, and instruction are included in the price. All tools needed for cutting, hole punching, and lacing will be available.
Drum beater material kits are also available for $12 upon request.
Approx. workshop time is 3 – 4 hours. (mostly 2 1⁄2 hrs)
A 50% deposit is required approximately 2 weeks (by July 13) in advance.
PayPal, Venmo, credit cards, and checks are accepted.
PHIL CATALANO 303-870-8116
Raw Hide Drum Head Maple Hoops ~ 3 inch deep X (dia)
10-inch Elk, Buffalo or Deer dia.—————-$144.00 ($72 dep)
12-inch Elk, Buffalo, or Deer dia.—————-$180.00 ($90 dep)
14-inch Elk, Buffalo, or Deer dia.—————-$195.00 ($98 dep)
16-inch Elk or Buffalo dia.————————–$213.00 ($107 dep)
18-inch Elk dia.——————————————-$240.00 ($120 dep)
20-inch Elk diameter———————————-$267.00 ($134 dep)
Cow, Horse, Bear, or Buffalo Hide———————— Call
Dragonfest Tales: Stories & Memories with The Phoenyx
Thursday, August 1, 10AM-12PM Workshop A (Community Center)
Let’s get together to share stories and photos of the longest running Pagan Spiritual retreat in Colorado: Dragonfest! Please bring typed copies of stories and copies of your photos that you’re willing to share in our book that will be updated every couple of years or so. Or, come listen in to see if a memory pops up! The Phoenyx has always been interested in history, and wants to make sure Dragonfest’s isn’t lost to time.
Norse Volva, Seidr & Their Shamanistic Traditions with Rachael
Thursday, August 1, 10AM-12PM Workshop B (Streamside)
Take a shamanic approach to understanding who the Volva is, their practices and what they can and can’t do with an ordained Asatru priestess.
Reclaiming Intimacy with Nature with Avalon & Touch
Thursday, August 1, 10-11:30AM Workshop C (Trance Circle)
However you identify – Neo Pagan, witchy, Druidic, or ? – we invite you to step out of modern chaos and ground into nature with a Ceremony of Intimacy. We will practice connecting with ourselves, other humans, Spirit and the more than-human world. Through sharing our inner experience, we reclaim our place in the natural world, in deep resonance and harmony with the Earth and the Elementals.
Please note: this ritual invites, but does not require, nudity; 18+ please
Trans Elder Workshop (21+) with Mary Ann Bonetti & Judy Gardner
Thursday, August 1, 10AM-12PM Camp Crone (in Starlight Meadow)
Offering a Safe Space for our Trans Family and Friends to discuss the changes that have and are happening to their bodies, through their journey and aging processes. We realize that the changes to your body are uniquely your own. This is an opportunity to talk with each other about this journey and to shares with those yet to begin. Judy and Mary Ann have been Crones of Dragonfest for over a decade and will be conducting the Croning Ritual.
Walking to Heal by Ra
Thursday, August 1, 10AM-12PM Workshop D (Starlight Meadow)
A discussion on backpacking through nature and how it saves people both physically and spiritually. Attendees will be encouraged to discuss their own experiences and to share what has been healing and what has been hard. Beginners are encouraged to ask questions and old hats are encouraged to spread their wisdom.
Ra was a pagan baby in the 70s in the Chicago region. She holds a B.S. in Clinical psychology and a M.A. in Counseling and Education. She is a pantheist, backpacker, traveler, entertainer and teacher. She also leads guided hikes, improv, games, bardic circles and meditations in progressive relaxation. Since 2017, she has also led small groups in spiritual backpacking expeditions and provided hiker guidance on the Appalachian, Ice Age and Colorado Trails.
Lavender Pavilion Meet-n-Greet with Mama D
Thursday, August 1, 1PM-3PM Lavender Pavilion
Come to Lavender Pavilion to meet your fellow LGBTQIA+ pagans at the festival this year. This will be a casual gathering where people can visit and get to know each other as fellow queer pagans.
Yeast Herders’ Gatherum with Dan
Thursday, August 1, 1PM-3PM Workshop A (Community Center)
The Yeast Herders’ Gatherum is a great place for brewers of all stripes and abilities to come together sharing experiences, techniques, and discussing this great craft of ours. Herders new to brewing and those who have been doing it for years are sure to find new ideas and inspiration. There is a little bit of sampling of your fellow brewers’ labors as well – just enough to understand the techniques they are describing. Be sure to bring a bottle of homebrewed beverage to share – among other options, this could be Wine, Beer, Cider, or Mead; a small cup to sample from; water; and a snack item to share.
Dan has been an active homebrewer of wine, meads, ciders, and beers for more than 20 years and is honored to continue Dragonfest’s Yeast Herder tradition, sharing inspiration and knowledge.
Bardic Circle by Ra
Thursday, August 1, 1PM-3PM Workshop C (Trance Circle)
A round or two of bardic entertainment by the people, for the people. What more can we say?
Ra was a pagan baby in the 70s in the Chicago region. She holds a B.S. in Clinical psychology and a M.A. in Counseling and Education. She is a pantheist, backpacker, traveler, entertainer and teacher. She also leads guided hikes, improv, games, bardic circles and meditations in progressive relaxation. Since 2017, she has also led small groups in spiritual backpacking expeditions and provided hiker guidance on the Appalachian, Ice Age and Colorado Trails.
Croning Workshop (21+) with Mary Ann Bonetti & Judy Gardner
Thursday, August 1, 1PM-3PM Camp Crone (in Starlight Meadow)
Please join us to discuss the joys of aging. Do you feel called to Crone? Are you Crone curious? Would you just like to join us and talk about the changes in your body as you age? Please join us. Trans and Nonbinary are welcome. Judy and Mary Ann have been Crones of Dragonfest for over a decade and will be conducting the Croning Ritual.
Sacred Massage with Dancing Otter
Thursday, August 1, 1 PM-3PM Workshop D (Starlight Meadow)
Safe, Sacred, Skyclad, this is a healthy Laying-on-of Hands Ritualized Workshop. Small groups (3-5 persons) of participants will devote about ten minutes of respectful massage to each group member. Please bring a personal ground cover and preferred oil, if you have one. A long-time retreat attendee, Dancing Otter has been presenting his Sacred Massage Workshop for at least 20 years.
Note: minors must attend with a legal guardian
Drawing and Painting on Silk with Deb Myers
Friday, August 2, Anytime from 10-4 Deb’s Merchant Booth
Silk scarves stretched on a frame provide a flat surface to paint and draw on. Bring some ideas and go for it. Or, take a look at some great books to get inspired. Sizes and cost for materials are: 14”x72”- $30, 11”x60” $25 and 8”x24” – $10. There will be quick lesson in color theory, some demos and away you go.
This can take longer than a regular workshop. So, you are welcome to spend a much time as you want. All materials provided. Contact Deb to let her know what size and colors you would like so she can have it on hand: Let Deb know asap if you are interested or if you want a veil instead.
Exploring the Correlian Tradition with Siqua Asgaya Tierramar
Friday, August 2 10AM-12PM Workshop B (Streamside)
The Correllian Nativist tradition, often simply referred to as the Correllian Tradition, represents a dynamic and inclusive Wiccan path within the broader Wiccan and Pagan movements. We will explore the tradition’s origins, key teachings, and its approach to ritual, magic, and community.
About the presenter: I am a queer, Two-Spirit person of color, embracing the tapestry of my Mestizo heritage through the practice of my family’s traditional magick alongside my ordained clergy role within the Correllian Tradition. I have a Master’s degree in Depth/Jungian Psychology which deeply informs my metaphysical practices and perspectives. I am versed in the arts of Reiki, herbalism, and alchemy. I have formally practiced the contemplative arts and meditation for 30 years.
Drawing Down Dragonfest Style with Janie and Vanth Angeles
Friday, August 2 10AM-12PM Workshop C (Trance Circle)
Maybe you’ve never heard of Drawing Down, or maybe you’ve just read about it. Bring your questions and get some perspectives on this event, especially how it works here at Dragonfest. You will get to meet Janie, one of Dragonfest’s longest running Vessels, and can learn what to expect.
If you are helping out in the Drawing Down (or would like to), and have either never done so or want a refresher, this workshop also serves as your orientation. Vessels who have been called are encouraged to attend to help coordinate setup locations. If you use a shelter and bring it to the Workshop, Vanth can help set it up.
Druid Roundtable with Iannin and Candelaria
Friday, August 2 10AM-12PM Workshop D (Starlight Meadow)
A simple discussion of all things Druid. Iannin will provide an overview of Druidry, its modern-day practices, and facilitate a discussion. Candelaria will lead us in a bardic exercise.
Centering Grounding Meditating Shielding with Selene Runewolf
Friday, August 2 10AM-12PM Workshop E (Freedom Circle)
A workshop and collective demonstration on the different ways to Center, Ground, Meditate, and Shield. Selene Runewolf is an eclectic pagan Kitchen Witch who has been studying witchcraft and paganism for 15 years.
Queer Magick: Embracing Diversity in the Craft with Siqua Asgaya Tierramar
Friday, August 2 1PM-3PM Lavender Pavilion
We will explore the intersection of queer identity and the practice of magick. We will examine the roles of gender, sexuality, and identity in the context of magickal practice and explore how queer practitioners enrich the tapestry of contemporary witchcraft and paganism with their diverse experiences and insights.
About the presenter: I am a queer, Two-Spirit person of color, embracing the tapestry of my Mestizo heritage through the practice of my family’s traditional magick alongside my ordained clergy role within the Correllian Tradition. I have a Master’s degree in Depth/Jungian Psychology which deeply informs my metaphysical practices and perspectives. I am versed in the arts of Reiki, herbalism, and alchemy. I have formally practiced the contemplative arts and meditation for 30 years.
Volunteering at Dragonfest with Ellen Valentine
Friday, August 2 1PM-3PM Workshop A (Community Center)
Have you ever wondered how to get more involved with Dragonfest? Are you passionate about helping to create this ongoing festival? Do you want to be more involved, but aren’t sure how your talents could be of use, or how much of a time commitment would be involved? Come to this workshop to find out how to be more involved. Dragonfest needs YOU!
Ellen Valentine has been attending Dragonfest on and off since 1997. She’s been involved with various roles from Kidsfest, Kiosk, Registration and Lavender Pavilion to Board Secretary and now Board President. She is passionate about connecting and creating community intentionally. She believes that better communication and transparency will help move Dragonfest forward and wants to find like-minded folks who want to co-create this festival together.
Wicca 101 – Setting up an Altar with Hannah Adams, High Priestess
Friday, August 2 1PM-3PM Workshop B (Streamside)
How to build an altar & what works for you. The standard basics of what an altar consists of.
Hanna has been a practitioner, pagan and witch since she was 18, and is the author of “Pagans, Witches & Magically inclined of Aurora.” She is originally from Austin, Texas, where she worked with the Reformed Congregation of the Goddess, Texas Web, and Hearthstone Grove.
Skyclad Spirituality with Greenman Mike
Friday, August 2 1PM-3PM Workshop D (Starlight Meadow)
This workshop is a discussion of nudity and spirituality. Where does nudity fit into your spiritual path or does it? What are society’s taboos against it and why removing sexuality from general nudity? The workshop is clothing optional; children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Greenman Mike is a 20+ year veteran of Dragonfest; he’s been “The Safety Guy” for many years, is Ops 2 this year, and has been a long-time student of spiritual ways and practitioner of Skyclad experiences.
Drumming in Ritual with Pat Cain
Friday, August 2 1PM-3PM Workshop E (Freedom Circle)
Drumming for Ritual is different than a drum circle; it is an act of service and requires more attention to the happenings around us than the inward experience we often seek in a drum circle. This workshop will explore the elements of this type of service, and you’ll be a better drummer overall for having attended it!
Pat is a 20+ year drummer, seeking to spread the art of drumming in ritual.
Traveling to the Land of the Faeries with Touch & Avalon
Friday, August 3 3PM-5PM Workshop B (Streamside)
They’re all over, but you can’t see them? Learn the magic necessary to traverse their magical realm and then we’ll enter through the portal to the faerie kingdom. An experiential process of dropping away from modern ways of seeing, hearing and thinking in order to open up to seeing what is all around.
Mindful Coloring with Fire Lord Ricki
Friday, August 2 3PM-5PM Workshop D (Starlight Meadow)
Coloring is a form of meditation for some, it helps clear the mind and give it something to focus on. Take an hour out of the busy festival and let your spirit escape onto a page!
Ricki is a creative person who likes to help others be creative too!
Progressive Relaxation by Ra
Friday, August 2 3PM-5PM Workshop E (Freedom Circle)
This is a calm, guided meditation intended to help attendees find an hour of peace in an otherwise chaotic world. Attendees should bring a mat, a blanket, or some other method of lying comfortably.
Ra was a pagan baby in the 70s in the Chicago region. She holds a B.S. in Clinical psychology and a M.A. in Counseling and Education. She is a pantheist, backpacker, traveler, entertainer and teacher. She also leads guided hikes, improv, games, bardic circles and meditations in progressive relaxation. Since 2017, she has also led small groups in spiritual backpacking expeditions and provided hiker guidance on the Appalachian, Ice Age and Colorado Trails.
Curl Up and Dye with Deb Myers
Saturday, August 3 Anytime from 10-4 Deb’s Merchant Booth
Do you have a favorite t-shirt with a stain? Bring it. Or even bring a new one. Want a colorful pair of socks? Maybe you want to live on the wild side. Then bring a pair of boxers or a jog bra. Whatever you bring should be lightly colored or white, and preferably a high % of cotton- 70% or more. If less, you can still dye it, but it won’t be as bright. Materials fee is $3 – $7 depending on the size. You’ll get a quick lesson in color theory and technique, then you dye, and let it sit in a plastic bag for a day or two. Then wash it numerous times to get the dye out. All materials provided except what you want to dye.
Introduction to the I Ching with Trevor Stone
Saturday, August 3 10AM-12PM Workshop A (Community Center)
Explore the symbolism and structure of the I Ching (the Book of Changes), a Chinese form of divination that’s been used for over 3000 years. We will learn about yin and yang, the eight trigrams, and the structure of a hexagram. You’ll then practice seeking wisdom and fortune from the I Ching using the coin-tossing method of divination.
Trevor’s been bringing eclectic ideas and activities to Dragonfest since 2001; he enjoys studying Chinese philosophy and language but is by no means an expert.
The Alchemical Mysteries and Wicca: Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Magick with Siqua Asgaya Tierramar
Saturday, August 3 10AM-12PM Workshop B (Streamside)
We will explore the connections between Wicca and Alchemy. We will delve into the symbolism, history, and metaphysical teachings of Alchemy, revealing how these two paths intertwine to facilitate personal transformation and enhance a Wiccan’s magickal practice.
About the presenter: I am a queer, Two-Spirit person of color, embracing the tapestry of my Mestizo heritage through the practice of my family’s traditional magick alongside my ordained clergy role within the Correllian Tradition. I have a Master’s degree in Depth/Jungian Psychology which deeply informs my metaphysical practices and perspectives. I am versed in the arts of Reiki, herbalism, and alchemy. I have formally practiced the contemplative arts and meditation for 30 years.
Everything is Connected: Our Cosmic Origin with Phi-L
Saturday, August 3 10AM-12PM Workshop C (Trance Circle)
Delve into the interconnectedness of all existence, where every thread of the cosmic web is woven together, forming a tapestry of oneness – The Matrix…!
Phi-L is a long time Dragonfestian – 36 years – Staff, Corp Officer, Treasurer, BoD, & Workshop Presenter
Greenman Mike’s Body Painting with Greenman Mike
Saturday, August 3 10AM-12PM Workshop D (Starlight Meadow)
Been 5 years since we got our paint on. Join Greenman Mike in painting your own and other people’s bodies as you share your artistic talents. This is a long-standing tradition at Dragonfest to explore the creativity of body art. There will be a limited amount of body paints available for use, so you are encouraged to bring your own if you have some.
Workshop is clothing optional; children under 18 are welcome to attend if accompanied by a parent.
Improv, Games, and Dance-Fight-Dance by Ra
Saturday, August 3 10AM-12PM Workshop E (Freedom Circle)
What better way to relieve stress than a little fun, a little acting, and a very therapeutic round of Dance-Fight-Dance. This last part will require a soft pillow and a sense of humor. Come and join the fun, or just hang out and enjoy the vibe. The games are usually different every time based upon the space and the number of people, but they are always fun.
Ra was a pagan baby in the 70s in the Chicago region. She holds a B.S. in Clinical psychology and a M.A. in Counseling and Education. She is a pantheist, backpacker, traveler, entertainer and teacher. She also leads guided hikes, improv, games, bardic circles and meditations in progressive relaxation. Since 2017, she has also led small groups in spiritual backpacking expeditions and provided hiker guidance on the Appalachian, Ice Age and Colorado Trails.
Under the Rainbow with Stella Selena Nocturne & Aurora
Saturday, August 3 1PM-3PM Lavender Pavilion
Join us for a workshop and discussion about different identities and defining terms under the LGBTQIA+ rainbow. We will define and discuss different identities and what they mean as a way to help us define ourselves, better understand each other and understand our own experiences as members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Hoop Drum Making with Phi-L *Pre-Registration Required*
Saturday, August 3 1PM-3PM Behind Phil’s Merchant Tent
The Native Americans have been making different kinds of Hoop Drums for many centuries. This workshop will concentrate on a design made popular with the availability of pre-made hoops, skins, and hides. The techniques are taken from the traditional methods and updated for the use of the more contemporary hoops and preparation methods. Prices range from $144 to $265+ depending on size and selected skin/hide. Email to pre-register and for more information on Hoop or Octagonal Frames sizes and Deer and Elk Hides.
Yeast Herders’ Gatherum with Dan
Saturday, August 3 1PM-3PM Workshop A (Community Center)
The Yeast Herders’ Gatherum is a great place for brewers of all stripes and abilities to come together sharing experiences, techniques, and discussing this great craft of ours. Herders new to brewing and those who have been doing it for years are sure to find new ideas and inspiration. There is a little bit of sampling of your fellow brewers’ labors as well – just enough to understand the techniques they are describing. Be sure to bring a bottle of homebrewed beverage to share – among other options, this could be Wine, Beer, Cider, or Mead; a small cup to sample from; water; and a snack item to share.
Dan has been an active homebrewer of wine, meads, ciders, and beers for more than 20 years and is honored to continue Dragonfest’s Yeast Herder tradition, sharing inspiration and knowledge.
Beginners Astrology with Penny
Saturday, August 3 1PM-3PM Workshop B (Streamside)
We will review the basics of Traditional Astrology (whole sign/tropical), using our own birth charts, creating significations derived from the planets’ placement in signs and houses. Participants can bring their own charts, or they can email me before 7/21, their birth DATE, TIME, and LOCATION and I will supply it for them. Please email me again if I don’t reply (
I am a student of Astrology and want to share my knowledge, as well as learn from others.
Gestalt Dream Interpretation by Ra
Saturday, August 3 1PM-3PM Workshop C (Trance Circle)
An adults-only interactive discussion on performing dream interpretation style using the methods derived from gestalt psychological theory. Attendees will be encouraged to share a dream and to help others interpret their dreams as we learn to use this method. Also, if you can, please bring your journal (or some paper) and a writing implement of choice.
Ra was a pagan baby in the 70s in the Chicago region. She holds a B.S. in Clinical psychology and a M.A. in Counseling and Education. She is a pantheist, backpacker, traveler, entertainer and teacher. She has had a focus in Gestalt work and teaches Gestalt Dream Therapy technique, helping people to understand their dreams while looking at them through a Gestalt lens.
Vampyres with Revan
Saturday, August 3 1PM-3PM Workshop D (Starlight Meadow)
Join Revan, a highly informed enthusiast, in this educational workshop about all things vampyre.
Doodle Time! with the Phoenyx
Saturday, August 3 3PM-5PM Workshop A (Community Center)
Doodling is such a fun way to express yourself artistically without having any artistic training. Just let your mind run free with pen, pencil, marker, etc. If you have your own paper & drawing supplies feel free to bring them. I will have some on hand.
Dowsing 101: the Ancient Art of Dowsing and Geomancy with Kathleen & Breighton Dawe
Saturday, August 3 3PM-5PM Workshop B (Streamside)
Explore the wonders of dowsing; the real science behind finding power places, geodetic lines, lost objects, water, and more. Become a geomancer and learn the value of reading the ‘ley’ of the land. (dowsing rods provided for participants)
We are authors of 2 science fiction romance time travel books, and metaphysics teachers; this dynamic couple has been teaching pagans for 30 years.
Tarot Club with Merit
Saturday, August 3 3PM-5PM Workshop C (Trance Circle)
Come join us at Dragonfest’s Tarot Club. My name is Merit and I’m a tarot enthusiast. I’ve been running a tarot club for my local library for over 1.5 years now. This session will depend on the skill levels attending. It can be an overview of tarot or an info swap between fellow enthusiasts. Bring a tarot deck, a spread to share, and your joy of learning.
Fiber Gathering (AKA Stitch & Bitch) with Ellen Valentine
Saturday, August 3 3PM-5PM Workshop D (Starlight Meadow)
Do you knit, crochet, cross stitch or in some other way like to create with yarn or cloth? Bring something to share and/or work on. We will create together and discuss how creating connects to our spirituality. How does it enhance your life? Why are you passionate about fiber arts? How do you see creativity and community working together? Come discuss and share. We will create an open and inclusive community and share our passions.
Ellen Valentine has been crocheting for 5 years. She loves to use crochet to make presents for her family, create fun things to sell in her booth, In Cahoots, and as stress management. Fiber community has been a lifeline for her during COVID and she wants to spread that connection out to the greater community.
Other Events:
Pillage the Village at Merchant’s Row
Daily, Thursday – Saturday 12PM-1PM Merchant’s Circle (around Main Circle)
Come raid the treasures of the many fine merchants that have set up around our main fire circle! By which we mean: come take advantage of this time when most shops will be open to see the many fine wares that our vendors have available for purchase. Every day from 12-1PM.
Dragon’s Loot Exchange
Daily 12PM-2PM The Snack Shack in Merchant’s Circle (Main Circle/Heart of the Dragon)
Join us daily in the Phoenyx’s Merchant (The Snack Shack & The Gypsy Chameleon face paint booth) for The Dragon’s Loot Exchange. Bring your Loot Bag & exchange trinkets, baubles, & other items with each other to complete your collection. This is a great way to meet & make new friends. And create a cool collection. Pick up your first one for free & purchase more ($3/each) at The Phoenyx in Merchants’ Circle at The Snack Shack.
Sacred Healing Body Painting with Marilla Mae
Friday, August 2 10AM-4PM The Rabbit Patch Tent (near Trance circle)
Ease your tightly held emotional trauma through an individual, 45-minute custom healing body painting session. We will meditate and ask deity to join us while sacred symbols and artwork are applied to your body. Materials fee is $25, which can be paid in cash on the land, or ahead of time. If you have any questions, or would like to pre-pay, please contact Mae at:
This special event will be located near Mae’s encampment, close to Trance Circle. Look for her sign with a rainbow rabbit and “The Rabbit Patch” on it. Marilla Mae is a multi-modal healer who has been called to heal with sound, scent, and paint.
Board Report Lunch Members Meeting
Friday, August 2 12PM-1PM Workshop A (Community Center)
New this year! The Board is dividing up the traditionally scheduled, massive 2-hour meeting into two separate events. Come to the Community Center and bring a bag lunch to listen to the facts and figures being presented by the Board. This information will be on display at Kiosk in-between the meetings, so everyone can have time to process the information before the next meeting. No questions or comments at this meeting, please. Paper and pens will be available to write down questions so that they can be answered at the Q&A Meeting.
Oracle Alley
Friday, August 2 7PM-9PM Main Circle (Heart of the Dragon)
Following the Drawing Down (approximately), Oracle Alley is a space for the community to perform free readings for each other. Bring you divination tools, a chair or cushion, and join in a collective divination experience. This is a great opportunity for those who would like a different reader’s perspective or who don’t read for themselves.
Q&A & Comment Lunch Members Meeting
Saturday, August 3 12PM-1PM Workshop A (Community Center)
New this year! The Board is dividing up the traditionally scheduled, massive 2-hour meeting into two separate events. Come to the Community Center and bring a bag lunch to ask questions, express concerns, or comment on Dragonfest’s operations. This is the follow-up meeting to the Board Report meeting, so questions generate from that meeting will be addressed first.
Heathen Games
Saturday, August 3 3PM start Main Circle (Heart of the Dragon)
A lively and playful event traditionally featuring a mock battle, but that may include other activities inspired by Norse legends. Join in for a spirited and entertaining experience!
Ren’s Comedy Hour
Saturday, August 3 5PM-6PM Workshop A (Community Center)
Why did the witch bring a ladder to the comedy show? To see the high spirits!
Join us for a spellbinding hour of laughter with 5 of our community’s comedians, where the jokes are as enchanting as a full moon and the punchlines are brewed to perfection. Featuring hilarious sets from:
-Ren Q: trans comedy, “growing up hippy”
– Peter Goble: “nerd humor”
– George Delgado: indigenous perspectives
– CJ Gauvain: “festie jokes”
– Haley Fisher: on being a pansexual pagan
– Natalia Vargas: stories about being a Latina witch
Attendees’ viewing discretion is advised, as this show is rated at least PG-13+ and is likely to include: bawdy/body humor, references to the use of intoxicants, BiPoC experiences, and a smattering of expletives. Door Prizes will NOT be given away during this hour.
Bob Keys’ Memorial Community Dinner
Saturday, August 3 5PM-7PM Workshop A (Community Center)
Named in honor of the man that began this tradition, bring your mess kit and watch the show as you enjoy this long time community soup dinner. This year, the show will start with Ren’s Comedy Hour (see description for details and content considerations); door prizes will be given out after 6PM. Participants can also bring side-dishes (chips, crackers, bread, etc.) to share with the community.