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Board Outlook for 2018

Hello Dragonfest Community:   

The move from Wellington to Deb’s land and the reduction of our membership, meant for a time, the Board of Directors, (BoD), needed to take on a larger role to support the Retreat. But over the last eight years we’ve found our footing as an organization and a community.

In the last three months, Ops and your Board of Directors have been devoting large amounts of time focused on building a stronger, more spiritual, and community oriented retreat. The BoD and the Operations Team had multiple, day-long planning sessions looking for ways to do things better. We are really excited for Dragonfest this year and want to share some of the great changes we have in store.

  1. The Board has turned its attention to the stability, sustainability, growth, and future of the organization, Dragonfest of Colorado
  2. We have asked Ops to return to the forefront in organizing and running the retreat. You will be happy to know that Bruce and Stick are returning as Directors of Operations for their THIRD year and Vaunder is joining the Ops team.
  3. We have updated the Dragonfest mission and vision statements to put a stronger focus on the future of Dragonfest.

Mission Statement:
Dragonfest of Colorado will intentionally grow, foster and sustain the Dragonfest Community. Where members practice, share, teach and learn their diverse spiritual practices.

Vision Statement:
Dragonfest of Colorado seeks to create and sustain a vibrant, engaged, and spiritually focused Community. We value and honor all expressions of Paganism, and have varied thoughts and beliefs regarding Deity and our relationship with Nature. We are committed to a strong participatory community that is diverse and inclusive of all generations.

You may have heard some of the changes which were shared with the volunteer staff at the last staff meeting. Ops has some exciting changes based on the Board’s vision for the future and will be sharing those as well. They have our complete support and we have full confidence in their decisions.

We look forward to seeing everyone again at Dragonfest this year. Already many of our members are coming up with amazing workshops and rituals based on this year’s theme, Weaving Sacred Family.   

Thank you,
Alyx Reese
President, Dragonfest Board of Directors, 2018.