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Workshops Around the Corner

Thinking of hosting a workshop at Dragonfest this year?  It’s not to late!  Submit your workshop idea here, or email if you’ve got questions.

Also, Phil will be offering his hoop drum workshop again this year. If you want to make a drum, you must pre-register with Phil:

Shaman Hoop Drum making workshop w/ Phil Catalano. Phil has been taught by 2 different teachers, has made more than 20 Drums, and has been teaching classes for 7 years. This workshop will concentrate on a particular design made popular with the availability of pre-made hoops and the availability of skins and hides.  The techniques are taken from the traditional methods and updated for the use of more contemporary hoops and preparation methods.  Prices range from $95.00 for 10” Deer hide to $200.00 for 24” Elk hide hoop drums.  Contact Phil at or (303) 838-3018 for more information on hoop or octagonal frames sizes and Deer and Elk hides.   Individual classes can be arranged almost anytime throughout the Festival on a case-by-case basis – depending on availability of materials. Pre-made Drums will be available in Merchant Row. All ages.

A hoop drum from Phil's workshop in 2003